December 20, 2006

The Little Blue Engine

The little blue engine looked up at the hill.
His light was weak, his whistle was shrill.
He was tired and small, and the hill was tall,
And his face blushed red as he softly said,
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

So he started up with a chug and a strain,
And he puffed and pulled with might and main.
And slowly he climbed, a foot at a time,
And his engine coughed as he whispered soft,
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

With a squeak and a creak and a toot and a sigh,
With an extra hope and an extra try,
He would not stop-now he neared the top-
And strong and proud he cried out loud,
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

He was almost there, when-CRASH! SMASH! BASH!
He slid down and mashed into engine hash
On the rocks below…which goes to show
If the track is tough and the hill is rough,
THINKING you can just ain't enough!

~Shel Silverstein

September 28, 2006

Sharks Tooth

I got a B on my Biology exam. good. I got an F on my Biology lab. bad. I had two group projects and presentations due tonight. I had a music exam this morning. I have an environmental science exam tomorrow morning and a speech to give on Friday. To make things worst ANTM started last week & it comes on every week while im in Bio lab. nice, huh?

when i was little i used to be afraid of water. i wouldnt even go into a swimming pool without holding on to the side. well one day, I was about 7 years old, it was the beginning of the summer. my big sister gave me this necklace with a shark's tooth on it. she told me that if you wear a sharks tooth in the water you cant drown. "It's impossible," she said, "if you go under, you just float back up."

Now i was one of those gullible kids who believed every single word that my sister told me. whether it was "ants help you breath" or "paper comes from clouds" but for the next two weeks we went to the pool everyday & everyday I splashed around in that pool like there was no tomorrow, once or twice I even snuck into 5 ft. i didn't care, i couldn't drown.

But anyway, one day I went under water & I just started moving, splashing & kicking, & when I came up for air I was about 5 ft from where I was when I went under. & thats how I learned to swim. My sister told me I couldn't drown, so I didn't. But really, i believed it was the sharks tooth. For the rest of my life whenever I felt like I was "drowning" i put it on. When I was failing Steiners class senior year, the first time my heart was broken, and when I had no friends. & every time, I've floated to the top.
I didn't bring my sharks tooth to college with me. I wish I had it now.